
Picture of featurist

Mockaroo is a a free online test data generator, which lets you easily create realistic data to test your app, or to populate test data in a database.

An issue that every App developer knows about, is how important is it to test with lots of data. But the data has to be abundant, able to be quickly generated and most important –realistic!
Similarly, if a consumer is trying to test a CRM or Marketing Automation platform, they need to add some good data quickly, to put it through it’s paces.
In many cases, they do not want to be adding their own hard-earned data into an unknown system.

Mockaroo addresses these issues and lets you generate up to 1,000 rows of realistic test data in CSV, JSON, SQL, and Excel formats. It is super-simple to understand and FREE to use!
And if you need more data than 1,000 rows, you can buy one of their nominally priced plans.

It supports 74 different data types, each of which provide a range of appropriate sample data that is used to populate the field.
You can preview what data will be downloaded by clicking on the “Preview” button.
There are even options to save the setting to your profile through the “Clone This Schema” button. You can also choose to directly load your application’s fields from a CSV if they are too many.

Mockaroo also provides a REST API, which lets you download randomly generated data into your projects in real-time with unlimited calls.
You can download based on a saved schema or fields you define at runtime. Anything you can generate via the website can also be generated via the REST API.
The API is currently free for all to use while it is in open beta, but you need to create an account and get an API key to use it.

Mockaroo is a really great product and is perfect if you need to generate great, realistic sample data quickly.
Features are frequently being added to Mockaroo, so follow them on twitter to stay up to date.

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